Frequently Asked Questions
+ What are HEAD LICE/NITS?
Head Lice has been around for thousands of years, even the ancient Egyptians shaved their head due to the blood sucking little insects. Head Lice will crawl into any human’s hair to feed on very small amounts of blood from the scalp which will result in scratching. Head Lice have no wings, cannot jump and can only reinfest by close contact.
After mating, the female Head Lice (aka Louse) lay eggs (aka Nits) very close to the scalp or base of the hair, for the Nit to survive. Preferred areas are behind the ears and hair line of the lower neck. In colder temperatures the egg (aka Nit) will be closer to the scalp whereas warm climates, eggs are generally laid further down the hair shaft. A Nit is tan in colour and usually white after hatching.
The Head Lice breeding cycle is actually quite rapid. A Louse (female) can lay approx 100 eggs every 10 days which hatch 7 to 10 days later.
Parent Information Sheet - http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/environment/headlice/Pages/information.aspx
+ How do I know if my child has HEAD LICE?
Tell Tail Signs your child has Head Lice.
- Small crawling insects on the scalp.
- Tiny eggs attached to the hair that resemble sand and will not brush away.
- Scratching.
+ How do I prevent the spread of HEAD LICE?
We don’t want to stop our kids playing side by side however we can reduce the spread of HEAD LICE by practising these very important prevention tips:
- Initially shield your child’s hair when playing with other kids using NitStuff Preventative;
- Avoid sharing hats, brushes etc with others;
- Ideally, long hair pulled back as often as possible at school;
- You don’t necessarily need to shampoo your child’s hair daily. In fact, Head Lice prefer clean hair because it allows them to move from hair to hair more easily.
- Inform your school should your child come home with Nits so they can follow procedure to prevent Head Lice spreading among the kids.
Nitstuff Preventative
+ What ingredients are in Nitstuff Preventative?
Nitstuff Preventative is made from a proprietary blend of Australian essential oils including active ingredients such as eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree. A wheat protein is also used to aide in detangling, leaving hair soft and silky.
+ Why Nitstuff Preventative?
Nitstuff not only has an eight year history of helping prevent head lice it also detangles and nourishes, without harsh chemicals. Nitstuff costs approx. 5 cents a day to help prevent your child being nit free.
+ How do I apply Nitstuff Preventative?
Simply apply Nitstuff Preventative to the hairline and over the entire head. Spray as you would to style your child’s hair and thoroughly comb through. “A spray a day helps keep nits away” is our motto.
+ When do I use Nitstuff Preventative?
Nitstuff Preventative needs to be included in every families’ daily morning routine. Even on weekends. Nits are not just at school. They can be at sport, neighbours, sleep-overs, (nits love sleep-overs). Nitstuff needs to be re-applied after swimming.
+ Does Nitstuff Preventative kill nits?
NitStuff preventative will only keep nits away and help your kids remain nit free. Like an invisible shield over the kids’ hair. Should Head Lice trouble your family then try out plant based Nitstuff Treatment to kill head lice and eggs.
+ Is Nitstuff Preventative safe to use daily?
Entered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods, NitStuff Preventative is a plant-based product assisting in head lice prevention that has a long history of safe, effective and affordable use. With clinical trials to support our claim, NitStuff Preventative will help prevent head lice and associated problems head lice brings to many families with school-aged children.
+ How often should I use Nitstuff Preventative?
Just like we brush our teeth every day and apply deodorant, NitStuff Preventative needs to become part of the morning routine for young families. Keep a bottle on your bathroom vanity and a spare bottle in your car (if forgotten to apply in the crazy morning rush).